
Kabi Group

For all Australasian native orchids and their hybrids


Dockrillia dolichophylla


Culture Notes

Events Calendar

Numerous activities are organised for our members. From monthly meetings to orchid ambles around Brisbane or shows, there will be something for you to get into native orchids.


Kabi is holding two native orchid shows; the April show – featuring the Queensland floral emblem Dendrobium bigibbum – and the August show featuring the spectacular Dendrobium speciosum.

Become a member

Come join ANOS – Kabi Group for 6 Months FREE Trial Membership

About us

The Australasian Native Orchid Society (Qld) – Kabi Group Inc. is a group with an interest in Australasian native orchids and their hybrids.

The name Kabi being derived from Gubbi Gubbi (Kabi Kabi) the name of the indigenous peoples of the local area, prior to settlement. Their language was Gabi-Gabi. ‘Gubbi/Gabi’ is their word for ‘no’.

The Australian English word coolabah, denoting a type of Eucalyptus, was borrowed from the Gabi-Gabi language.

The objectives of Kabi are:

  • To promote the culture and propagation of native orchids and native hybrids
  • To assist in the preservation of native orchids in their natural habitat and to discourage the wanton destruction of same
  • To promote the scientific and cultural knowledge of native orchids and native hybrids
  • To publish, edit and review literature and all writings that are approved by the Association appertaining to the recordings, propagation, culture and science of native orchids and native hybrids
  • To print and publish pamphlets and periodicals that the Association may consider desirable for the promotion and furtherance of any of its objectives
  • To engage in any activity that would further the well being and increase the knowledge of native orchids and native hybrids
  • To extend the membership of the Association by creating a public interest in its activities
  • To promote good fellowship among all people interested in orchids.

Want to know more about what we do?

Come and Join Us

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